
Central scene district: Pempelfort

Pempelfort is diverse - in the middle of the countryside and yet pulsating urban. This mix makes the district one of the most attractive districts in Düsseldorf.

Because of its central location, its dense, mixed and historic buildings and its character through small businesses in the cultural and creative industries, it is considered a district with an urban atmosphere. Therefore, he is popular with young people and singles.

The social structure in the district is extremely multifaceted - both in terms of age and income of its inhabitants. There are many long-established residents who maintain the traditions of their respective communities, on the other hand, a high turnover, for example, employees of large Dusseldorf companies that come from all over Germany and other countries and choose to live in the city of Pempelfort for the duration of their employment.

The center of the western part of Pempelforts is the Nordstraße - outside the city center the largest shopping street. It offers grocery stores ranging from groceries, delicacies, organic and third world products, furniture, flowers, stationery, clothing and sports supplies to book, wine and antique stores, opticians, goldsmiths, perfumeries and more Offer ready. In the district there are many pubs, restaurants and cafes - from simple to noble.

On the Münsterstraße is the recently carefully renovated Art Nouveau swimming pool Münster-Therme.

The center of the eastern Pempelforts with shops for daily needs, the Derendorfer Straße dar. Well-frequented are the cafes, restaurants and pubs further north in the area Moltke and Tußmannstraße. On the Kolpingplatz, which is framed by Klever Straße, Mauerstraße, Pfalzstraße and Schwerinstraße, the Rhenish Farmers' Market takes place on Wednesdays and Saturdays with food and flowers from the region.

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